Telehealth is the use of electronic communication to provide remote services to clients. This can include video conferencing, phone calls, and text messaging. Telehealth is becoming increasingly popular for our clients, as it offers a number of benefits for both clients and counselors.

For clients, telehealth can make it easier to access counseling services. This is especially helpful for people who live in rural areas or who have difficulty traveling to a counselor’s office. Telehealth can also be more convenient for clients who have busy schedules or who need to see a counselor during non-traditional hours.

In terms of the counseling process, telehealth can be just as effective as in-person counseling. Studies have shown that there is no significant difference in the outcomes of counseling for clients who receive services via telehealth or in-person. This is because the therapeutic relationship is the most important factor in successful counseling, and this relationship can be built just as effectively through telehealth as it can in person.